Short Story Jokes

  1. The Ambidextrous Golfer
  2. The Golf Genie
  3. Moses vs. Jesus
  4. The Golf Genie Says What?
  5. Bilingual Golf
  6. The Best Golf Tip
  7. The Lucky Golf Frog
  8. 10 Things That Sound Dirty in Golf But Aren’t
  9. Late For Your Tee Time
  10. Leprechauns On The Golf Course
  11. What’s Your Jungle Handicap?
  12. Golf Round Of A Lifetime
  13. Survey On American Sports
  14. Tiger Woods Plays Stevie Wonder
  15. Night Golf
  16. What I Like About Golf
  17. You Can’t Take A Mulligan For That
  18. Golf Game Bet
  19. Par For Tiger Woods
  20. Really? The Red Tees?