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A shot that initially takes a trajectory opposite the side of the golf ball from which the player swings but eventually curves sharply back towards the player. Under normal circumstances, a hook is unintentional; however, good players can use a hook to their advantage in certain situations.

Hooks are often called the “better player’s miss”, thanks to the fact that many of the game’s greatest players (Ben Hogan, for instance) have been plagued by the hook at one time or another in their careers. A shot that follows the same trajectory but to a lesser degree is referred to as a ‘draw’. A draw is often intentionally used by above-average players to achieve a certain type of spin. The curved shape ball-flight is the result of sideways spin.

A draw/hook travels further than a fade/slice due to the fact that the closed face reduces loft and decreases backspin.

A draw often is considered the “ideal” flight of the ball and implies that the spin is intentional, whereas a hook is an overly spun “draw” which is often a miss or out of control (unintentional).

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