- Ace
- Address
- Aggregate
- Aim
- Air Shot
- Albatros
- Alignment
- All Square
- Ambrose
- Angle of Approach
- Anti-Shank
- Approach Putt
- Approach Shot
- Apron
- Artisan
- Attend (the Flag Stick)
- Away
- Back-Nine
- Backswing
- Backspin
- Baffy
- Bail Out
- Balata
- Ball
- Ball-Marker
- Ball-Washer
- Banana Ball
- Bandit
- Barber
- Bare Lie
- Bent Grass
- Best Ball
- Biarritz
- Bifurcation
- Birdie
- Bisque
- Bite
- Blade
- Blast
- Blind
- Block
- Bogey
- Boron
- Borrow
- Bounce
- Bounce Back
- Brassie
- Break
- Bulge Driver
- Bullarding
- Bump and Run
- Bunker
- Bunker, Fairway
- Bunker, Green-Side
- Burried Ball / Lie
- Bye
- Caddy or Caddie
- Calcutta
- Carry
- Cart
- Casual Water
- Cavity Back
- Center-Shafted
- Champions Tour
- Chip
- Chip and Run
- Choke Down
- Chunk
- Cleek
- Clone
- Close Mown Grass
- Closed Face
- Closed-Stance
- Club
- Club Face
- Club Head
- Club Head Speed
- Club Lenght
- Clubhouse
- Coefficient of Restitution
- Collar
- Come-Backer
- Compress
- Compression
- Compression Rating
- Concede
- Condor
- Couch Grass
- Count-Back
- Course
- Course Rating
- Courtesy of the Course
- Cross Bunker
- Cross-Handed
- Crosswind
- Cup
- Cut
- Cut Shot
- Dead
- Deep Stuff
- Dimples
- Dog-balls
- Dog License
- Dogleg
- Dormie House
- Dormy or Dormie
- Double Bogey
- Double Cross
- Double Eagle
- Double Green
- Downhill Lie
- Downswing
- Drag
- Draw
- Drive
- Drive the Green
- Driver
- Drop
- Duck Hook
- Duff
- Eagle
- Etiquette
- European Tour
- Even
- Executive Course
- Explosion Bunker Shot
- Extra Holes
- Face
- Fade
- Fairway
- Fairway Hit
- Fairway Markers
- Fairway Woods
- Fat
- Feathery
- Ferret
- Fescue
- First Cut
- Flagstick
- Flat Swing
- Flex
- Flier
- Flop Shot
- Follow Through
- Fore!
- Fore Caddy
- Four Ball
- Foursome
- Free Drop
- Frenchie
- Fringe
- Front Nine
- Full Set
- Funnies
- Get Legs
- Gimme
- Golden Ferret
- Goldie Bounce
- Golf Ball Size
- Golf Club
- Good-Good
- Grain
- Grand Slam
- Graphite
- Great Triumvirate
- Green
- Green Fee
- Green in Regulation
- Greenside
- Greensomes
- Grip
- Groove
- Gross Score
- Ground Under Repair
- Grounding the Club
- Hacker
- Half
- Half Set
- Halfway House or Halfway Hut
- Handicap
- Handsy
- Hang Time
- Hanging Lie
- Hard-Pan
- Hazard
- Heel
- Hole
- Hole Handicap
- Hole-in-One
- Hole-in-One Insurance
- Honor
- Hook
- Hosel
- Hybrid
- Impossible Shot
- Improbable Hole
- In Contention
- In Play
- Inside
- Interlocking Grip
- Inward Nine
- Iron
- Jab
- Knock-Down
- Ladies' Day
- Lag
- Laid Off
- Lateral Water Hazard
- Lay-Up
- Leader Board
- Leven
- Lie
- Lift
- Line
- Links
- Lob
- Local Rules
- Loft
- Lofter
- Long Game
- Loose Impediment
- Lost Ball
- Low-Handicapper
- Made Cut Did Not Finish
- Majors
- Marker
- Mashie Niblick
- Match Play
- Medal Play
- Medium Iron
- Member's Bounce
- Metal Wood
- Mid-Amateur
- Misclub
- Misread
- Miss the Cut
- Mixed Foursome
- Monday Qualifier
- Moving Day
- Mud Ball
- Mulligan
- Nassau
- Net Scores
- Nine-Iron
- Nineteenth Hole
- No Card
- No Return
- Obstructions
- Off-Center Hit
- Off the Pace
- On the Charge
- One-Putt
- Open Face
- Open Stance
- Out-of-Bounds
- Outside Agent
- Outward Nine
- Over Club
- Overall Distance Standard
- Overlapping Grip
- Pace
- Par
- Parkland Course
- Penal
- Penalty
- Penalty Stroke
- Perfect Round
- PGA Tour
- PGA Tour Champions
- Pick Up
- Pin
- Pin-High
- Pin Placement
- Pitch
- Pitch Mark
- Pitch Shot
- Pitching Wedge
- Play Club
- Play-Off
- Play Through
- Playing Through
- Plugged Lie
- Plumb Bob
- Plus Handicap
- Pop-Up
- Pot Bunker
- Power Transfer Ratio
- Pre-Shot Routine
- Preferred Lies
- Pro (Professional)
- Pro Shop
- Provisional Ball
- Pull
- Punch Shot
- Push
- Putt
- Putter
- Putting Green
- Q-School
- R&A
- Range Finder
- Reading the Green
- Redan
- Regular
- Release
- Reverse Bounce Back
- Rough
- Rowan Match Play
- Rub of the Green
- Run
- Rutter
- Sand Save
- Sand Trap
- Sand Wedge
- Sandbagger
- Sandy or Sandie
- Scramble
- Scratch Golfer
- Senior
- Senior PGA Tour
- Shaft
- Shamble
- Shank
- Shoot Your (My) Age
- Shoot Your (My) Temperature
- Short Game
- Short Iron
- Short Side
- Shrimp
- Side Hill Lie
- Sink
- Sit!
- Skin
- Skull
- Slice
- Slope Rating
- Snap Hook
- Snipe
- Snowman
- Society
- Soft Spikes
- Sole
- Span
- Speed
- Spoon
- Sprachle
- Spray
- Square
- Stableford
- Standard Scratch Score
- Stimpmeter
- Stony
- Strategic
- Stroke
- Stroke and Distance
- Stroke Index
- Stroke Play
- Stymie
- Sunday Bag
- Sunday Stick
- Sweet-Spot
- Swing
- T
- Tap-in
- Target Line
- Tee
- Teeing Ground
- Tempo
- Ten-Finger Grip
- The R&A
- Thin Shot
- Through Line
- Through the Green
- Tiger Slam
- Tips
- Toe
- Topped
- Tree Shot
- Triple Bogey
- Turkey
- Unplayable Ball
- Up and Down
- Vardon Grip
- Vaulting Dormie
- Waggle
- We Are Golf
- Wedge
- Whiff
- Winter Green
- Winter Rules
- Wire-to-Wire
- Wood
- Worm Burner
- Yips
- Zinger